another woman

I heard he was interested in a girl, a younger woman. Someone he met, somewhere. She had dark hair and dark eyes. And was supposedly nice. A nice, simple girl.

He didn’t talk about her, and she didn’t talk about him, but somehow I knew this woman was someone who may, or may not, intrude on our life.

The day we went to the local fair, he and I, with our kids, I saw her. Just talking. I didn’t know her. Yet, I knew she was the one. Somehow I just knew.

He had wandered off, taking our youngest on a ride. I stayed behind, just hanging out with my daughter.

I walked over to the girl, said hello, and asked her if she was indeed interested in him.

The strange thing is, the fact is, that even though we didn’t know one another, at all, she knew who I was talking about and answered as if we were best friends. I think so, yes, she said. He’s nice. Very nice. She went on to say other things, nothing big deal, but things that confirmed her interest in him.

When she was all done talking I stated, He’s my husband, the guy you are considering a relationship with. The girl didn’t seem surprised by my admission. And neither did she seem pissed, as if she’d been duped. She simply stared at me with her big brown eyes, saying nothing.

Later, at home, I said to him, I know about her, and if you have plans to pursue something, anything, count me out. He looked at me, didn’t respond. Not five minutes passed when I restated my thoughts. No. Never mind. Just the fact you are interested has uninterested me in you. I’m done.

Suddenly I awoke, from the dream I was having about my husband considering an affair with a another woman.

I rolled over in our California King bed and found him there, lying on his side, turned toward me, looking at me. Good morning, we whispered, simultaneously.

20 thoughts on “another woman

  1. Pingback: Only You – A Romantic Monday Post | Edward Hotspur

  2. The broken pieces of Trust are sharper than any finely honed knife and the wound leaves an indelable mark that even time cannot heel.


  3. I look at those types of dreams as good things Daphne. It makes us grateful and reinforces that if you can still be worried about it you must still love him and not become complacent about your marriage. Many people as the years roll on get very disinterested in each other. You are a lucky woman. Virginia- FirstClassWoman


    • Ah, nice sentiment, Virginia. I agree. I’m still in love. And, well, dreams come to me based on something I’ve watched or heard about. Rudy has had similar dreams, waking up happy that reality is a different story.


    • I figured I needed to write it this way… that after two years of Rudy living in Arkansas, and having no problems, like this, arise, I wanted to add a bit of suspense to our now ‘normal’ life. šŸ™‚


    • That’s funny, Joyce. Men seem to pick the most interesting companion to cheat with! And yeah, I told Rudy… he hates when I dream such nonsense, yet he, too, has his own dreams of me ‘with someone else’, and hates them.


    • It really just is your subconscious, Jeanine, revealing what’s on your mind. Those dreams irk me, make me feel sad, and cause me to wonder how I would react if it truly happened. Overall, though, dreams are simply dreams. Reality is what you make it. ā¤


    • I just let the dream spill from my mind, just as I remember it. Rudy thinks its funny that I even wrote it down for everyone to read.


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